Cross-Functional PPC Approach
your digital advertising delivers unprecedented results!
By combining multiple services from our Studio and Technology Departments, we make sure your ads secure a better placement at a lower CPC. The results are higher CTRs and more conversions.
Traffic and Conversion Boosters Your ads are running but you’re not getting enough traffic and sales. This could happen if there are problems with your ad creative, keyword strategy, and data analytics. The position, CPC and CTR of your ads depends on your ad’s quality, which in turn depends on your creative strategy, keywords selection, and conversion rate. We combine extraordinary creativity from our Studio department and state-of-the-art analytical and testing tools from our Technology department with complementary Agency services to create laser-targeted campaigns that deliver your goals. With your PPC campaign humming, we bring back lost visitors with retargeting ads and bring you more organic traffic through SEO.
Faster Growth
Our full-spectrum PPC ad management services align your keyword strategy, ad creative, and landing pages with your customer’s intent, demographics and behaviour. As a result, your ads get clicked more often and send you more qualified customers who are ready to buy.
1. Reduce CPC
The Cost You pay for each click depends on a number of factors including your target keywords, keyword match type, bidding strategy, ad relevance. And Quality Score. We identify and address the shortcomings in all of these areas so that your ads can appear at higher position for a lower CPC.
2. Increase CTR
If few people click your ads, it could mean your ads are appearing for the wrong keywords. You could have misread the user intent, selected the wrong match type, or set your bid too low. A low CTR can lead to inflated CPC and low quality score, not to mention the loss in revenue. We stop that from happening.
3. Boost Conversion Rate
A click is just a cost unless it converts to a lead or a sale. We design, optimize, and test high-converting landing pages for your ads. We include the right USPs and trust signals, remove distractions and pain points, and address each tiny detail to ensure you convert more visitors.
We help startups, IT companies and companies with digital products.
Are you interested in collaboration? Let's get in touch.